The disability to move one or more muscles is called paralysis. It may also involve the loss of sensation and other body functions.

When a specific part of the body like hand or face is affected, it is localized paralysis. When a large area of the body is affected, it is generalized paralysis.

Monoplegia –where one limb is affected, Hemiplegia – where the arm and leg on one side of the body are paralysed, Paraplegia – where both legs and sometimes the pelvis of the lower body are paralysed and Quadriplegia – where both the arms and legs are paralysed - are the types of paralysis.

What Causes paralysis

Stroke: Paralysis in stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted or stopped. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients that the brain needs to function properly. The blood supply is stopped either when there is a blood clot or when a weakened blood vessel bursts.

Head injury: When a part of the brain that controls specific muscles is damaged because of head injury, paralysis occurs.

Spinal cord injury: The spinal cord is a part of the central nervous system and its function is to transmit signals to and from the brain and other parts of the body. When the spinal cord is damaged because of the neck or spine injury, the brain cannot transmit signals to the muscles resulting in paralysis. Accidents, falls, and even certain disease can cause damage to the spinal cord.


We provide a holistic treatment with Bio-Magnetic device and Herbal medicines. The treatment is simple and painless and the success rate is 100%. The time span is 3 to 6 months only.